Shipping rates


"SNAIL MAIL" shipping: 

If you select this shipping option, it can take up to 14 business days until your order leaves our warehouse. Up to 60 days delivery time.
Tracking included, no insurance:
Europe: € 5,99.-
World: € 8,55.-

"STANDARD" and "EXPRESS" shipping: 


DHL Express: € 9,99.-  |  1-2 days, tracking, insurance 

Standard: € 6,95.-  | 4-7 days, limited tracking, limited insurance 


UPS Express: € 21,95.- | 1-2 days, tracking, insurance

DHL Express: € 23,10.- | 1-2 days, tracking, insurance

UPS Standard: € 13,95.- | 7-13 days, tracking, insurance


Switzerland | Liechtenstein

DHL Express: € 22,95.- | 1-2 days, tracking, insurance

UPS Standard: € 22,10 | 5-10 working days, tracking



UPS Express € 19,95.- | 2-5  days, tracking, insurance

DHL Express: € 24,32.- | 2-5  days, tracking, insurance

UPS Standard: € 14,55 | 7-13 working days, tracking


World Zone 5 (Albanien, Andorra, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Färöer, Gibraltar, Island, Kosovo, Republik Moldau, Montenegro, Nordmazedonien, Norwegen, San Marino, Serbien, Türkei)

DHL Express: € 29,10.- | 2-5 days, tracking, insurance

UPS Express: € 27,95 | 7-13 working days, tracking

UPS Standard: €17,95.- | 8-14 working days | tracking


 World Zone 6  (Mexiko, Kanada, Vereinigte Staaten)

UPS Express: € 28,50.- | 2-7 days, tracking, insurance

DHL Express: € 29,50.- | 2-7 days, tracking, insurance


World Zone 7 (Kambodscha, China, Sonderverwaltungsregion Hongkong, Indien, Indonesien, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Singapur, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan)

DHL Express: € 40,90.- | 3-9 days, tracking, insurance

UPS Express: € 38,96 | 10-15 working days, limited tracking


World Zone 8 (Algerien, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua und Barbuda, Argentinien, Armenien, Aruba, Australien, Aserbaidschan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesch, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivien, Botsuana, Brasilien, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Kaimaninseln, Tschad, Chile, Kolumbien, Komoren, Kongo-Brazzaville, Kongo-Kinshasa, Cookinseln, Costa Rica, Curaçao, Dschibuti, Dominica, Dominikanische Republik, Ecuador, Ägypten, El Salvador, Äquatorialguinea, Eritrea, Äthiopien, Falklandinseln, Fidschi, Französisch-Guayana, Gabun, Gambia, Georgien, Ghana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Israel, Jamaika, Jordanien, Kenia, Kiribati, Kuwait, Lesotho, Sonderverwaltungsregion Macau, Madagaskar, Malawi, Malediven, Martinique, Mauretanien, Mauritius, Mongolei, Montserrat, Marokko, Mosambik, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Neukaledonien, Neuseeland, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Niue, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Papua-Neuguinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippinen, Katar, Kamerun, Ruanda, St. Barthélemy, St. Helena, St. Kitts und Nevis, St. Lucia, Samoa, São Tomé und Príncipe, Saudi-Arabien, Senegal, Seychellen, Sierra Leone, Sint Maarten, Salomonen, Südkorea, Sri Lanka, St. Vincent und die Grenadinen, Suriname, Tadschikistan, Tansania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Trinidad und Tobago, Tunesien, Turks- und Caicosinseln, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Sambia, Mayotte, Südafrika)

DHL Express: € 42,18.- | 5-17 days, tracking, insurance

UPS Express: € 47,95 | 10-13 working days, tracking


How long does it take till my products are airborne?

Expect 2-3 business days until your aircrafttag leaves our warehouse. Personalized products need 7-9 days until they are cleared for Takeoff to your place.



What if I need my order "high speed"?

Select DHL or UPS Express at checkout. 1-2 days shipping time only within EU.


Are there any additional fees?

Depending on the destination country of the order, customs duties, taxes or fees may be applicable. These are the responsibilty of the customer. You will get detailed information from your local customs office.


What if I want to change the shipping address?

Send a "mayday call" to We try to help.


I received a wrong aircrafttag?

We are very sorry and try to solve the problem. In this case send a mail to


I don't like my aircrafttag. Can I return my order?

Of course! We only like satisfied customers. If you received the wrong product, we will pay for the return. Please contact with your name and ordernumber.

If you just changed your mind and want to return your aircrafttag - no problem. In this case you are responsible for shipping. Anyway you have to contact with your name and order number before returning.